Now এই সময় – Eeshita Azad Quiet streets, clean air. গাড়ী বিহীন খালি রাস্তাধূলোবালি নেই। পরিচ্ছন্নতা।the world stopping to breathe.থমকে গেছে এই পৃথিবীদম নিচ্ছে বুক ভরেPeople seemed friendlierমানুষ যেন জেগে উঠেছেজেগে উঠেছে মনুষ্যত্বclapping Thursdays to heedকরতালিময় বৃহস্পতিJoe Wicks workouts.জো উইকের কর্মসূচিhaving London to myself. লন্ডন, তুমি এখন আমার ।Time to reflect.ভাবার সময়দেবার সময়Unfamiliar ritualsনতুন কিছু শেখার সময়waving not kissing.হাত মেলানো নয়, ইসারা শুধু Mother in a fortress.দুর থেকে মাকে দেখা। তবুthe importance of touch, missing…স্পর্শের আকুতি ভোলা যায়?Losing my job.চাকরি হারানোIsolation.একাকিত্ব ।Overcrowded houses, no space to breatheবাড়িতে সবাই, ঠাসাঠাসিছেলে, বুড়ো, মেয়ে চাপাচাপিLoss of libertyগৃহ বন্দি সকলেই ।all we see is the best and worst of humanity.এবার উন্মচিত হবে স্বার্থের খেলাকোনায় লুকিয়ে থাকা লোভের খেলাSeeing the tide coming,not able to do anythingবন্যায় সব ভেসে যাবে তবুরাজনীতির চাল খেলেই চলা। Slowing down. Being quiet.কিন্তু একবার যদি থামিএকবার যদি ভাবি,Seeing children grow up in slow motion.আমার আত্মজনেরা আমায় ঘিরেপ্রতিদিন দেয়া সার আর পানিতেসতেজ। লকলকে। Getting a second chance.এই শেষ সুযোগ Getting a second chance to spend timeএই শেষ সময় Getting a second chance to spend quality time with you.এই শেষ সুযোগ সময়ের সুযোগ্য ব্যবহার Seeing it start. Seeing a potential end.শুরু দেখেছি। এবার, শেষ দেখবার। I haven't had it bad at all.বোধোদয় আর কবে হবে? Listen to the poem here Artistic Statement We Londoners, we come in all different sizes, shapes, shades and languages. Yet our experiences are the same. A year ago life in this city meant grabbing coffee in the morning, rushing to catch the tube, buying fans in the summer and getting ready for BBQs. And now it means missing older parents, balancing home schooling and working from home, and on desperate evenings ordering takeaway curry! With the form of my poem, I wanted to mirror this shared humanity between all cultures. This technique in English poetry is called ‘coupling’. The ‘first lines’ are ‘found’, the following lines are ‘responses’ to the ‘found lines’. In this case all the ‘found lines’ are from the postcard contributions from volunteers and visitors to the Crick vaccination centre. The first time I read through the wealth of donated quotes and responses I was floored. Everyone felt everything, collectively! Inspired by this realisation my Bengali poem is ‘coupling’ with the donated English lines. The lines vary from direct translation to subtle responses in Bengali. So in essence we are all reading the same poem in different ways, feeling the same emotions that reflect our one singular (pandemic) experience. Artist Bio Eeshita Azad is a poet, a creative producer and an arts facilitator with a career spanning 15 years in New York, London and Dhaka. She is the Executive Director of British Bangladeshi Poetry Collective (BBPC) and has directed their production for last year’s Tower Hamlets Council’s Season of Bangla Drama Festival. She won best performer prize at the International Women's Day Poetry jam, RichMix, London 2007. She collaborated with cartoonist Syed Rashad Imam Tanmoy of Cartoon movement fame and performed her visual-poetry at Hay Dhaka in 2013 and she published Elegiac Songs with Journeyman Books in 2018. Read the other poems here: Survive(d) – Hanna Ali Of Partings & Preludes – Momtaza Mehri ধন্যবাদ – Nazneen Ahmed MementoUs – Keisha Thompson Iftiin Baa Ii Soo Baxay – Ibrahim Hirsi The Crick – Will Harris Purgatory – Fathima Zahra