Dunida afarteeda cidhif
Dhowaan cudurkii ku fiday
Muxuu cidhib xumo ka tegay

Muxuu cabsi baday arlada
Maxaa laga caagay nabad
Cidhiidhi maxaa la galay

Masiibadu waa cibree
Dadkoo qabay caafimaad
Cibaaro kolkay dul timi
Muxuu samihii car jabay

Cirroole awood darraa
Kolkii caabuqani ku dhacay
Muxuu cabbudhkii xarbiyay!

Maxaa cisi ruux lahaa
Calaamadihii jirrada
Kolkii laga helay ciyoon
Maxaa la cidleeyay keli!

Caa’ilo aan wada jeclayn
Markuu cudurkani salfaday
Maxaan la ilmaynnay ciil!

Casiis dad inoo ahaa
Markay ka tegeen carrada
Dabeed lagu aasay ciid
Caloolyoowgiyo huqdii
Maxaynu cishooyin badan
Calaacalnay murugadii

Cagaar geyigoo ahaa
Insigu ku caweeyo farax
Cirkiyo dhulka guud ahaan
Markii cirir saaqay yimi
Mugdiga ceeryaamadii
Maxaa caalwaa nafluhu
Cataabay ayaamo badan

Wax baa helay caalamkii
Culays daran baa kor yimi
Culuuntiyo saayniskii
Aadmigu citiqaadsanaa
In badan loo ciirsan jirey
Ayaa citibaar ku dhacay

Mudday caddilnayd kasmadu
Intaa cilmibaadhis iyo
La waday cillin-saariddii
Shilkani cidhibtiri lahayd

Rejada cimrigeeda iyo
Caddeed dhalataa la sugay
Cabbaar baa loo halgamay
Sidii loo caabbin laa
Cadaawahan halista badan

Dedaal culus oo la galay
Cuud iyo loo huray adduun
Caqliga tamartiisa iyo
Cilmiga sees looga dhigay
Ayaa caynaano dhalay

Kolkuu beryay waa cusubi
Carshiga nuur baa u baxay
Mar kale soo celiyay nolol
Calaamadihii rejada
Ayaa loo cugay murkaha

Casiis baa mahadda lehe
Haddii culimada dawadu
Tallaal caaqiibo badan
haddeer nagu caawiyeen
wanaag iyo waa cawee
Lib baa curate bulshooy
Rugaha caafimaadka taga
Cirbadda qaatoo is dura
Naftiinnana cadow ka jira.

Listen to the poem here

Artistic Statement

Taking part in A Drop of Hope: Poetry from a Vaccination Centre, which Poet in the City has collaborated with the Francis Crick Institute on, was an impressive opportunity for me. My new poem, ‘Cibaaro’, which means ‘Phenomenon’, widely illustrates the COVID-19 aftermath from various angles.

Written in simplistic yet rich Somali language, the poem focuses on three main points: the trauma of the virus and its impact in the beginning, our fortitude as a society during this adversity, and, ultimately, the national and international efforts of producing a vaccine that can save lives and restore hope. This poem has been written in keeping with the Somali oral poetic tradition and is aimed at eliminating any misconceptions and fears around taking the vaccine.

The last part of the poem commends the medical and scientific community for their tremendous job of bringing relief for the world after the vaccine was found and approved. This will encourage people to come forward and be vaccinated.

Artist Bio

Mohamed M. Abdi, better known as Haykal is a gifted poet, novelist, song-writer, story writer as well as a social activist. His poetry expresses and motivates the different sides of life, entertainment and building towards a successful society. Haykal is also the author of Masiibada Cagaaran a book written in Somali that explains the problems associated with Khat use within the Somali community and the most recent novel named Hanqadh. Haykal is currently based in Bristol.

Read the other poems here:

Survive(d) – Hanna Ali

Of Partings & Preludes – Momtaza Mehri

ধন্যবাদ – Nazneen Ahmed

MementoUs – Keisha Thompson

Now এই সময় – Eeshita Azad

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